Acupuncture Prospectus 2022

The Acupuncture Prospectus 2022 for the Acupuncture course run by the ICTCM (Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine) is available online. It includes:

An Application Form
Course fees and payment methods
A summary of the 3 year part-time professional training course.

We are currently accepting applications and interviewing suitable applicants for the October 2022 intake. A coloured brochure about the College is also available by post. Please send us your postal address if you would like to received a copy.The College website gives detailed information about the content and structure of the course itself, and includes considerable background information about how Acupuncture/TCM training – in which students learn to diagnose and treat clients using the underpinning theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine – is far more comprehensive and all-encompassing than learning Acupuncture alone.As is said on the Website:

“The Acupuncture practitioner uses the ancient and well-established principles and theories of Chinese Medicine to diagnose and treat the client. These are exclusive to Chinese Medicine. They do not rely upon other medical systems or diagnostic methods, such as those used by Western Medical Practitioners.

A person who is working as a Practitioner of Acupuncture/TCM can be referred to as an “Acupuncture/TCM practitioner”, a “TCM practitioner specialising in Acupuncture” or a “Chinese Medical Acupuncturist”.

Other TCM treatment options are available to the Chinese Medical Acupuncturist including

Dietary therapy and
Life style advice.

These treatment methods are all taught as part of our professional Acupuncture Training Programme, the Lic.TCM.”


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