In our previous post we described the different types of so-called “Acupuncture” and explained that only a TCM Acupuncturist is able to use Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques to make a diagnosis, determine a treatment plan and provide the correct TCM Acupuncture treatment.
Are Acupuncturists in Alternative Medicine or Complementary Medicine clinics all trained in TCM?
No, not all of them. Those who have graduated from the ICTCM are fully trained in TCM Acupuncture and will be members of a Professional Body such as the Professional Register of TCM. However, some therapists have learned how to insert needles but have not learned how to make a TCM diagnosis, or indeed may not make any medical diagnosis at all.
What about Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Most people offering cosmetic acupuncture are not fully trained and insured in TCM, and do not treat medical conditions.
Where can I train to become a TCM Acupuncturist able to use Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques to make a diagnosis, determine a treatment plan and provide the correct Acupuncture treatment?
The Acupuncture Department, at the Irish College of TCM which was set up in 1983, has been training people to become wholly safe, competent, confident, professional practitioners of Acupuncture TCM since then.
Our Professional Acupuncture Training programme begins in October each year and anyone wishing to apply for this year’s intake should send in their application form as soon as possible.
We normally close applications in Early September to allow time for applications to be processed in time for the start of the new academic year. This year our first teaching weekend is on 1st and 2nd October.