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The cover of the ICTCM Professional Acupuncture TCM Training Programme Prospectus

Why study Acupuncture

The demand for Acupuncture as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)  is on the rise globally, with increasing interest in more natural, holistic alternatives to modern medicine. TCM has gained much recognition internationally as a serious alternative form of medicine (it was included in the World Health Organisations’  2019 International Classification of Diseases)

Training in Acupuncture TCM offers the opportunity to be part of this growing trend, as well as opening a doorway to a whole new culture and an ancient wisdom which are underpinning its theory. 

TCM is an ancient medicine that is holistic in its approach. By studying TCM one gains a whole new perspective on health that incorporates all aspects of the person including the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. TCM treats the individual as opposed to the condition. This means each treatment is specific to the person and includes all aspects of the person, therefore, all conditions can be treated by the same practitioner. 

Studying TCM gives students the opportunity to learn this invaluable knowledge that has been used for thousands of years. TCM is primarily health promoting and so many of its teachings can be incorporated into daily life which can lead to improved health and wellbeing. In fact, many TCM Acupuncture practitioners, who have studied at ICTCM have reported that they find their work makes them healthier!

If you would like to learn more about Acupuncture Training at ICTCM, download a prospectus from our website. Applications for the next upcoming course 2024 open in January.