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A group of new TCM practitioners photographed at their graduation with the Director Professor Tom Shanahan
New Professional Acupuncture TCM Practitioners

Why do people want to get treated with Acupuncture?

People want to get treated with Acupuncture for a host of reasons. It is a popular and sought-after treatment option. Here at the ICTCM in Dublin, we train new Acupuncture ...

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Spring - a time to plan ahead

Who studies TCM Acupuncture?

Are you thinking of studying TCM Acupuncture at our College? It is now Spring and a good time, from a Chinese Medical point of view, to look ahead and plan for ...

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Acupuncture Clinical Equipment

What does an Acupuncturist do? Part 2

In our previous post we described the different types of so-called “Acupuncture” and explained that only a TCM Acupuncturist is able to use Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques to make a ...

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