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A visost from China by our Qigong Master Professor Xia Shuangquan and other Chinese dignatories from Guangzhou University of TCM in China
Professor Xia with students studying Medical Qigong at the ICTCM in Dublin.

Can I study Medical Qigong at the ICTCM in Dublin?

When people contact us at the Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Dublin they often ask, “Can I study Medical Qigong at your College”? The answer is Yes, provided ...

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Acupuncture points on a model, which is a learning aid for students.
TCM Acupuncture

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture?

Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture is part of TCM which is a rich and sophisticated system of health and wellness that has been practiced for thousands of years. Acupuncture stands out ...

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The symbol of Yin Yang, which in translation from the Chinese is called Taiji - the Great Polarity.
Taiji - the Great Polarity

Becoming an Acupuncturist at the ICTCM

One graduate’s experience of becoming a TCM Acupuncturist at the ICTCM in Dublin is shared here. One of the things I most enjoyed when becoming an Acupuncturist at the ICTCM ...

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Part of a calligraphy showing the character for the word Dao which means Path.

Introduction to the study of TCM and Acupuncture

Introduction to the study of TCM and Acupuncture In late September or early October, at the start of every Academic year, the College Founder and Director Tom Shanahan welcomes new ...

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Professional TCM Acupuncture Training
Acupuncture TCM Training prospectus

Changing career? We offer professional Acupuncture Training

Are you considering changing your career? Are you interested in holistic  medicine? We offer Professional TCM Acupuncture Training in just two and a half years. Our Training course caters for ...

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