The Licentiate in TCM Acupuncture programme (the Lic.TCM) at the ICTCM is unique in that the material covered is original and authentic, shared with the College Founder during trips to a number of Universities in China. The College Founder, Professor Shanahan was one of the first people outside of China to be allowed access to these resources. This resulted in a very rich curriculum which has been available at the ICTCM for more than forty years.
So, What will I learn on the Lic.TCM?
The course can be viewed in two parts. During the first and second year you cover all the essential theory and practical training necessary to provide a rich foundation for practice. The clinical year centres around helping you, as a Clinical Trainee, to apply safely this knowledge in the clinical setting.
Year 1 and 2
During the first and second year you cover, in detail, the broad spectrum of TCM theory. For a full list of topics covered visit this link. The syllabus is comprehensive and some of the main areas include:
Theory – including all of the detailed theoretical foundations for understanding TCM. You are introduced to the concepts of Qi, the 5 Vital Substances, Yin and Yang, Zangfu, Jingluo, Pathology and Diagnosis to name but a few.
Practical – The first main practical skills you learn is the location of the Acupuncture points. Did you know that there are 365 main Acupuncture points? As a First and Second year student you would learn and be tested on a new set of these each month. Consequently, these tests help to prepare you for success in exams and in the Clinic. Did you know that the required pass mark for all exams at the ICTCM is 80%!
In the Second year you also cover other areas of practical work include Pulse and Tongue study and practice.
Clinical Year
The third year is the Clinical year where the students make the transition from learning theory and practical skills to putting that knowledge into practice in the clinical setting. You get to apply the knowledge you have accumulated over the previous 2 years.
As a Clinical Trainee you treat your own clients under supervision using all of the skills you have now aquired. These include skills in point location, needling, diagnosis, treatment principals, point selection. as well as learning how to run a clinic, and manage clients.
Other skills learned in the Clinical year include Moxibustion and Cupping. For a full list of topics covered in this year visit this link.
By the end of the practical Teaching Clinic you will be able to set up your own clinic with the guidance of clinical supervisors and, provided you pass all Clinical Comptence reviews, you will be fully qualified and insured to practice TCM.
The study of TCM is transformative. As well as gaining new knowledge, there is a whole shift that takes place during the three years. As a result of this, you view medicine from a totally different perspective.
Are you are interested in learning about Traditional Chinese Medicine? Do you think would like to become a TCM Acupuncture Practitioner, helping to transform the lives of others? If so, then make an application for our October 2025 start date. We look forward to receiving your application soon.