Medical Qigong Training
We run the following postgraduate programmes in Medical Qigong:
- Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Qigong: Cert.MQG
- Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Qigong: Dip.MQG
- Higher levels of Qigong training can sometimes be provided for suitable students who have already attained the Dip.MQG.
The Aim of Medical Qigong Training
The main objective is to enable Acupuncturists and Practitioners of TCM to add another ancient and effective treatment modality to their clinical options.
To this end, Medical Qigong training helps students cleanse, purify, refine, sensitise, increase, and potentise their own Qi to thereby enhance their treatment capabilities and effectiveness. The Qi transmitted to the client, especially if “directly” (i.e. without intermediary instruments or other intervening factors), must be the cleanest, purest, and most potent possible.
Since MQG “Emitting External Qi Treatment” means, by definition, that the practitioner is effectively sending his/her own Qi to the patient, the quality of the practitioner’s Qi has a direct bearing upon the treatment’s effectiveness. The healthier the practitioner’s Qi, the better the treatment.
How Can I apply?
If you are a TCM Acupuncturist, a current student of TCM or a TCM professional wishing to add Medical Qigong to your therapeutic options, you can go directly to:
Detailed information about the Certificate in MQG
Apply for the Certificate in MQG
Frequently Asked Questions about MQG Training
Who can apply?
This course teaches MQG as a Medical modality and it is, therefore, only open to those who are already practitioners, or current ICTCM students of Acupuncture TCM.
What type of students are accepted?
Only practitioners or students of TCM who show the required attitude, commitment and maturity will be accepted. Additionally they should not be practising Qigong or related techniques without a teacher.
How do I make an application?
Those interested in pursuing postgraduate study of Medical Qigong must initially attend one of the ICTCM’s introductory Qigong workshops (Health Promoting Qigong) and discuss the options with a member of the MQG faculty who will assess their suitability.
I do not want to be an Acupuncturist, just a Medical Qigong practitioner, can I join the Cert.MQG?
No. To complete full postgraduate training in Medical Qigong, you need to already hold a Bachelor-level qualification in TCM (the Lic. TCM as taught in the ICTCM is recognised as such).
Those wishing to practice Medical Qigong as TCM professional practitioners are advised to complete the Lic.TCM Course and then undertake a postgraduate qualification in Medical Qigong. It is usually possible to start Qigong studies during the three years of the Lic.TCM.
We now have a number of Lic.TCM graduates who have completed their Postgraduate Cert.MQG clinic within 3 to 6 months of graduating as an Acupuncture TCM specialist and who are thus qualified to treat clients with MQG as well as Acupuncture Moxibustion.