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This is a famous Dr of TCM from the USA, Dr Ted Kaptchuk on a vist to the ICTCM
Dr Ted Kaptchuk at the ICTCM in Dublin, Ireland

Dr Ted Kaptchuk at the Irish College of TCM in Dublin

In late 1987 the Irish College of TCM was greatly honoured to invite Dr Ted Kaptchuk, the author of “Chinese Medicine – The Web that has no Weaver,” to give a seminar to its students and graduates.

As part of the celebration of our 30 year anniversary we are setting up a web archive with pictures such as those shown here, and we are inviting our graduates to send us photos, in memory of their own time as students at the ICTCM in Dublin to add to the archive.

Dr Ted Kaptchuk a famous TCM specialist from the USA visiting the college to deliver a lecture to TCM students
Dr Ted Kaptchuk a famous TCM specialist visiting the ICTCM in Dublin

In 1987 we were based on the south-side, in Dublin 4. The present College is now in Dublin 3 where we have been happily situated for some years.

We are continuing the tradition of inviting senior members of the Chinese Medicine Community to provide us with stimulating and interesting seminars, and hope to do so for many years to come.