Graduation of new Acupuncturists

To announce that four new Acupuncturists have graduated as TCM practitioners and have set up clinics in various parts of Ireland and the UK.

Congratulations to the four new Acupuncturists who are starting a career as practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. They have clinics in Donegal, Dublin, Wexford, Tipperary, and York (UK).

They successfully graduated from the Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Professional Acupuncture Training Course – the Licentiate in TCM.

A Ceremony was held on 30th June where graduation certificates were presented. Officials, staff, family and friends gathered to celebrate this achievement and to wish the graduates success in their change of career.

Graduates and staff celebrating at the graduation
Graduates and staff celebrating at the graduation

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Longevity – Famous TCM Doctor dies at the age of 104

Professor Dr Deng Tietao of Guangzhou University of TCM in 2011

Professor Dr Deng Tietao of Guangzhou University of TCM in 2011

Dr Deng Tietao was a great friend and supporter of the Irish College of TCM. He died, earlier this month, at the age of 104, although as explained in his Wikipedia entry, this would be calculated a little differently in China. In the West, he would have been said to be nearly 103 at the time of his death.

We first met him in 2000 when he was already 85 years old. He came to teach us during one of the specialist Medical Qigong Courses that was being run exclusively for staff and graduates of the ICTCM.

Professor Deng was a kind, refined and enlightened man who understood the importance of being healthy on all levels – body, mind and spirit. He was a much published author of books on many aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine and his seminal book on Chinese Medical Diagnostics has been published in English. When only in his 50s, his students published a book (in Chinese) as a sign of respect for his excellence as a medical practitioner and teacher, which outlined his regimen for a healthy life and longevity.  This included his daily practice of one of the most famous traditional Qigong forms, called Baduanjin.

A very early illustration of the traditional Qigong form called Baduanjin

A very early illustration of the traditional Qigong form called Baduanjin

During the subsequent years we met him a number of times when he gave guest lectures to groups from our college and met the Director of the College Tom Shanahan to discuss the most important attributes of a Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner. Both agreed that it was kindness to one’s patients.

The last time we met was in 2011 after he had been awarded the very highest award by the Chinese Government in 2009. He was named a “Master of National Medicine” of China, received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the China Society for Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, and won the Guangdong Science and Technology Award (First Class).

Dr Deng, in his home in Guangzhou, with the President of the ICTCM, Tom Shanahan and the Registrar, Mary Plunkett

Dr Deng, in his home in Guangzhou, with the President of the ICTCM, Tom Shanahan and the Registrar, Mary Plunkett

During our last meeting in 2011 he brushed a unique calligraphy for the Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine showing that he gave his great support to our efforts to spread high-quality, authentic Acupuncture and TCM across Europe and the world.  Further information can be found in our 2011 ICTCM news item.

News of his death was announced by the Guangzhou Daily on 10th January 2019. Their article gives an interesting extract from an interview with Dr Deng, who will be much missed by his friends, family and students.

Welcome to our new Acupuncture students

Acupuncture Clinic, Dublin 3

The Irish College of TCM in Dublin is pleased to welcome a new group of students to our Acupuncture Training programme. The new intake started their studies with us on 13th October.

No further applications can be accepted for this academic year.

If you are interested in changing career and wish to train to work as a self-employed practitioner of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the information provided on our section on Acupuncture Training gives details of the course content and application procedures.

The next intake of students will be in October 2019.

Chinese Embassy in Ireland reception

The Director of the Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tom Shanahan, and one of the college’s Clinical Supervisors Michal Niedzialkowski were pleased to attend an event hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Ireland, on 25th September 2018.

The ICTCM Director meeting the Chinese Ambassador to Ireland at a reception on 25 September 2018

The ICTCM Director meeting the Chinese Ambassador to Ireland at a reception on 25 September 2018

The ICTCM has enjoyed many years of support and encouragement from the Chinese Embassy during its more than 35 years providing high quality training in Chinese Medicine in Ireland.

The photograph shows Tom Shanahan shaking hands with His Excellency Ambassador Dr Yue Xiaoyong.

Acupuncture Course October 2018 – there is still time to apply

Do you want to become an Acupuncturist?

The next Acupuncture Course, which is three years long, runs on a part time basis. This year’s course begins on the weekend of 13 and 14 October.  There is still time to apply for this high quality training to become an Acupuncturist.

In the Acupuncture clinic

Classes are held in our college in Dublin, near the 3Arena. Transport links are good as there is easy access to the Port tunnel, Dublin Airport and motorway system. Thus, people from all parts of Ireland and the EU are able to reach the ICTCM relatively easily.

Students attend Acupuncture classes for approximately one weekend every 3 to 4 weeks and have homework to complete between the classes. You can see the  Course schedule on the Acupuncture Training section of this website.

Being an Acupuncturist (also called “a practitioner of TCM, specialising in Acupuncture”) is a rewarding and satisfying career. You can contribute to the health and wellbeing of patients of all ages, and with a wide variety of different medical conditions.

If you would like to find out more, go directly to the Prospectus pack. It includes an application form and fee schedule, and the full syllabus is also available. gets a new look

Our Website

An Acupuncturist using Pulse diagnosis in the TCM clinic

Pulse Diagnosis in the Clinic

The ICTCM was one of the first independent colleges in Ireland to get a website.  So many years ago!

Now we are in the process, yet again, of updating the look of our site to make it more user-friendly for those using mobile devices.

We want it to be easy for you to find out about the courses we offer.

These include:

  • Profession Acupuncture Training and
  • Postgraduate programmes.

News and Current Events

Irish College of TCM – Summer and Early Autumn 2018

The current 1st and 2nd year Licentiate in TCM students have just completed their end of year exams and we wish them a good break over the summer period.
Successful students will commence the Teaching Clinic on 22nd September 2018.

The Certificate in Medical Qigong (Cert.MQG) Group 1 students have only one final assessment day to complete. This will take place in mid-September, after which they will be qualified as MQG practitioners.

The Certificate in MQG (Group 2) students will complete Module One on the first weekend of September.

Diploma in Herbal Medicine – students are reminded that the next session is running from 7 to 9 September 2018.
The photo shows previous students learning to dispense herbal medicine prescriptions.

Autumn dates for an Introductory and a Follow-up Qigong workshop are currently being planned and will be announced shortly.

For details of these programmes see

Graduation of new Acupuncture TCM practitioners

2018 Graduates of the Irish College of TCM

The Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ICTCM) is delighted to congratulate the recent graduates of the Lic.TCM Professional Acupuncture training programme. It is always a pleasure to see graduates from diverse backgrounds and home countries joining the ranks of “Professional TCM Practitioners – specialising in Acupuncture.”

Which one of these graduates is a Ship’s Captain working in Dublin?

The four new practitioners received their Licentiates at a graduation ceremony in Dublin last Sunday which was attended by the President and staff of the College and invited guests.

The photo below shows the group with the College Registrar at the start of their Clinical training year in September 2017.

Acupuncture training at the Irish College of TCM

Soon our Licentiate in TCM 2018 graduates will be receiving their graduation certificates and we will be turning our attention to further enhancing and developing our Professional Acupuncture TCM training course which has been running successfully in our College in Dublin for more than 35 years.

It is designed for adults wishing to work in a caring profession, whatever their current career, profession or experience.

In only 3 years of part time study we provide theoretical and clinical training to a high standard which will enable our graduates to confidently and professionally set up in practice within the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine in any part of Ireland and/or the UK.

We can post a Prospectus pack to you


You can access our course information, including course fees and payment plans from this online link.

The photo shows the college founder and Principal Tom Shanahan at Guangzhou University of TCM during a recent official visit to China.