A common question asked by potential students is “What are the career prospects of TCM Acupuncture training at the ICTCM?”
The Lic. TCM Acupuncture training course is a part-time course which is equivalent to a degree level standard. It takes two and a half years to complete. Many of the students at the ICTCM maintain their full time employment while undertaking this course. This makes it a popular choice with those wishing for a career change but need to remain in full-time employment while retraining.The TCM Acupuncture Training course is specifically designed to provide graduates with the skills, knowledge and confidence to set up a TCM Clinic immediately after graduation and over time develop a thriving professional practice in Acupuncture and TCM.
So, what are the career prospects after TCM Acupuncture Training?
On completion of the Licentiate, students are qualified to practise Acupuncture within the field of TCM as a member of a professional organisation in Ireland and/or the UK.
Graduates can –
- Practise from home on either a full or part-time basis
- Work in a joint practice with other healthcare providers or GP’s
- Work in their own private clinic or a hospital setting.
For most graduates, Acupuncture and TCM eventually becomes their only profession and enables them to be financially successful in a rewarding career.
Others pursue further training at postgraduate level in other branches of TCM, for example Chinese Herbal Medicine or Medical Qigong. Graduates are eligible to apply for such postgraduate courses available at the ICTCM.
To learn more about career prospects in TCM Acupuncture you can visit the ICTCM website where there is more detailed information about this and other aspects of the course including the course structure and schedule. If you are thinking of a change in career and are interested in TCM Acupuncture we look forward to hearing from you.