Prospectus – Acupuncture
Prospectus pack for the Lic.TCM Acupuncture Training
We are happy to announce that we are currently accepting applications for a place on the next Professional Acupuncture Training programme, the Lic.TCM (Licentiate in TCM) which begins in early October 2025.
If you have not yet read the information on the Acupuncture Application page we recommend that you read this first as it gives you information about how and when to apply. From the information given there you can also assess whether you are likely to find the course a good fit for you.
The Prospectus pack provides the documents you need to make an application and the fee information. It includes the following downloadable files:
An Introductory letter
Acupuncture Training programme
An Application Form
The Fee schedule and Fee Payment Plan
Other information that might help you decide to make an application for this course is available on the website, including many more details about all aspects of the Acupuncture Training programme.
If you cannot find the information you need on the website or you have any further questions do please contact us.