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Acupuncture Training at the ICTCM

The Undergraduate-level Course

Acupuncture Training in Ireland – How to apply

How to apply

Here we explain how to apply for the October 2025 intake of the Acupuncture Training Course in Ireland, called the Lic.TCM, a  3 year part-time programme taught in our specialist College in Dublin, and via Zoom.

The Application procedures are as follows:

  • Obtain a full Prospectus pack, Acupuncture Professional Training (Lic.TCM) Prospectus pack online as a PDF file or from The Admissions Officer (by post).
  • Read the prospectus pack carefully.
  • Print (if necessary), fill in and sign the Application form (see notes below) and then
  • scan it and send it as an email attachment to the Admissions Officer.
  • Include an email or letter explaining why you wish to apply.
  • Include a passport sized photograph of yourself.

You must provide, on the application form and accompanying letter or email:

  • As much detail as possible about your reasons for wishing to apply.
  • Honest and inclusive information about yourself including your educational, medical and occupational background.
  • The name, postal address, email address and telephone number of 2 people who know you well and can vouch for your character and academic ability, and can give their view of your suitability to work with people in a caring profession. They should not be close family members.

Here you can go directly to the Lic.TCM Prospectus pack which includes the Application Form and Fee information.

Who can apply

No specific formal academic qualifications are required but we do, of course, need to be sure that applicants are capable of following an intensive and sometimes challenging course of study and Clinical training. A high level of commitment is essential because this is an intensive part-time course.

Students should normally be at least 21 years old when they start the course. There is no upper age limit.

Good spoken and written English is essential. The course is taught in English by staff who have experience as TCM Acupuncture practitioners in Ireland and other parts of Europe. The Chinese Pinyin for the main technical TCM terminology is taught during the course.

You do not need to have any prior knowledge of Chinese language or culture. No prior knowledge of Western Medicine or Chinese Medicine is needed either.

As this is a part time course, it should be noted that we cannot consider applications from overseas students needing a Student Visa.

As the College specialises in turning out fully-rounded professional practitioners, not mere theoreticians, the course is best suited to those who hope to take up a career in TCM. In this profession the ability to effectively communicate with others on a one-to-one basis is very useful. However, those who have not yet had the opportunity to develop such skills will do so during the course.

A general interest in Chinese approaches to medicine and health will be valuable, as will experience of dealing with people in either a health-related, caring or other socially interactive work environment.

While the Licentiate is specifically designed for part time adult students, applicants who already have significant commitments in terms of work or family will need to be sure that they have the resources and support to sustain them through the course.

When to Apply

Applications for the next intact of students are accepted from March onwards each year, and the course begins in early October.

Early application is advised as places are limited and, after interviews are conducted, places are offered on a “first come first served” basis. Early application also enables you to plan ahead as detailed information on course venue, dates, times and all other relevant particulars are provided on acceptance to the programme.

Selection Procedures

We take up references for all applicants. Suitable applicants are then interviewed, via Zoom, by a senior member of staff and that usually takes between 30 and 45 minutes.

People who study Chinese Medicine at the Irish College of TCM come from all walks of life, from many different countries and from a wide variety of backgrounds. The College has an equal opportunities policy which applies to all candidates. Each applicant will be considered on their own merits.

Prospective students must, on the basis of their application, references and interview, show that they are competent to meet the educational and other demands of the course. You need to be fully committed to an intensive and demanding course of theoretical and practical study. Additionally, you need to be of mature disposition and display personal attributes suited to a caring profession.

Selection will be based on an applicant’s effort in completing the application process correctly, meeting the entry requirements of the course, and their suitability for the course based on references and interview.

Go to the Prospectus Acupuncture to obtain the application form, course fees and prospectus pack.