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Acupuncture Training – schedule changes due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

As you will all know, this year, being the Year of the Rat, is one which is most specifically associated with New Beginnings. Some of these new things, like the plants shown here, are pleasant and uplifting. Others, like the new Covid-19 virus, are not.  

Newness can call for change. Thus, the Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine has, in keeping with Government advice relating to the Covid-19 Coronavirus, suspended face-to-face teaching at our College for the foreseeable future.

However, we are fully committed to ensuring that our current students will not have their studies interrupted during this difficult time. So, we are maintaining the same schedule of teaching dates and times. 

We will be running all the remaining teaching sessions via video-conferencing and will be providing other online support, as required.

This should enable our current students to take (and, hopefully, pass) the requisite examinations in order to progress to the next year of their course. 

Face-to-face teaching sessions will resume once government advice about close contact between people, confirms that it is safe to do so.

Also relating to the Coronavirus, we are grateful to the numerous graduates of the College, from various countries, who have sent on interesting and useful clinical and research material about the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments, including Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Chinese Herbal Medicine, in the treatment of this current pandemic.

The College Principal, Prof. Tom Shanahan