Acupuncture Course at the ICTCM – How to apply

How to apply for the Acupuncture Course at the ICTCM

The Application procedures are as follows:

Application pack for the Acupuncture Course at the ICTCM

  • Obtain a full Prospectus pack, Acupuncture Professional Training (Lic.TCM) Prospectus pack online as a PDF file
  • Read the prospectus pack carefully.
  • Print (if necessary), fill in and sign the Application form (see notes below) and then
  • Scan it and send it as an email attachment to the Admissions Officer. The email address to send it to is on the Prospectus letter.
  • Include an email or letter explaining why you wish to apply.
  • Include a passport sized photograph of yourself.

You must provide

  • As much detail as possible about your reasons for wishing to apply.
  • Honest and inclusive information about yourself including your educational, medical and occupational background.
  • The name, postal address, email address and telephone number of 2 people who are willing to provide a reference for you. They should know you well but must not be close family members. We will ask them to vouch for your character and academic ability, and give their view of your suitability to work with people in a caring profession.

Here you can go directly to the Application form.

Selection Procedures

We have been successfully running this course for over 40 years and accept serious applicants who aspire to become Acupuncturists using Acupuncture TCM to treat clients with medical conditions,

We take up references for all applicants. Suitable applicants are then interviewed by a senior member of staff, via Zoom, and the whole process usually takes between 30 and 45 minutes.

This gives you time to ask questions and make sure that the course is suitable for you.

If you would like to find out about some of our previous students take a look at our Graduates page.

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